Since 2002 a giant tropical garden in a hall made of concrete attracts visitors throughout the year. With its humid and warm temperatures it gives us an idea of what climate change might feel like in the future.
Sabine works in the “Biosphäre Potsdam” and is particularly fond of the Butterfly House with species up to 10 cm large. As an environmental expert she regularly feeds the insects and explains to visitors all about the life in the jungle, its exotic inhabitants as well as the impact of climate change. In doing so she wants to motivate people to protect nature and to raise awareness for a sustainable way of living without pointing an accusing finger at them. Among the numerous visitors are also many school classes whom Sabine guides through the tropical garden telling exciting stories about its animals and plants.
Auch wenn für manche der nachgebaute Urwald lediglich Erlebniswelt oder Kulisse für Feierlichkeiten ist, wird Wert auf hauseigene Gastronomie und nachhaltig wirtschaftende Lieferanten gelegt.
For some this constructed jungle might be nothing more than an event location or a backdrop for festivities. Nevertheless, the Biosphäre attaches great importance to its own in-house gastronomy and cooperation with suppliers committed to sustainability. For some years the Biosphäre has been criticised for its lack of cost effectiveness that entailed high subsidies from the City of Potsdam. Its future feasibility has repeatedly been contested thus symbolising the struggle between economy and ecology as well as the limits of sustainable economic policies.